Low Fat Eton Mess
Food, Lifestyle

Low Fat Eton Mess

Today I’m sharing with you this delicious and low fat eaton mess recipe. I thought instead of posting a main meal, I would mix it up and post a pudding that is very much loved in my house!

The Low Fat Eton Mess pudding is very simple to make only using 3 ingredients and takes about 2 minutes to make! My children love to smash the end result up and make it messy before they eat.Β  It is a fun way to get another portion of fruit down them, as well as the yogurt which is also very healthy. It also contains protein as I use greek yogurt.


Serves 4

  • 1 punnet fresh raspberries.
  • 4 meringue nests.
  • 1 pot of Fage total 0% Greek yogurt.



  • Place 1 meringue nest on each plate.
  • Put 2 tablespoons of Greek yogurt on top of the meringue.
  • Wash the raspberries and place a few on top of the yogurt.
  • Ready to serve.
  • For the messy part, just use your spoon to smash it all up making an Eton Mess! Or you could just eat it as it is.

raspI hope you enjoyed the Low Fat Eton Mess Recipe. Please let me know if you have tried it what you think. Gemma x

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