Sond Anti aging Skincare for sensitive skin
Beauty, Fitness / Health

Sond Anti Ageing for Sensitive Skin

Today I’m introducing you to some new products from Sond Anti Aging For Sensitive Skin.

As I say on almost every beauty post I ever write, I suffer from sensitive skin and rarely make changes to my skin care routine unless I am confident that there is a good chance that I won’t react to a new product. Well I was sent the new 4 part skin care system from Sond to trial and as it’s targeted towards sensitive skin I thought it would be a nice one to try.

The Sond Anti Ageing for sensitive skin care system comes in 4 products

  • Energising Mineral Supplements
  • Hydrating Face Spray
  • Revitalising Face Serum
  • Replenishing Face Oil

You use these products after cleansing with your normal cleanser morning and night.

The main active ingredient in Sond products is Silica. Now I was confused after researching silica on the internet as to whether it was the same as siliconeย which are not good ingeredients in skin care and found the information quite hard to find. I in the end turned to a friend who has a beauty blog and who I trust her opinion Anne fromย Linda Libra Loca, who reassured me that it’s completely different. If you get a moment you should check out her blog as she has so may great skin care reviews.

Silica is naturally present in out bodies when we’re born and it’s a primary substance in producing our connective tissues including collagen.

Benefits of silica in skincare

  • Collagen is made largely of silica, by replenishing silica it makes the skin stronger
  • Silica Boots Hydration in the skin
  • Silica is a natural anti inflammatory
  • Silica makes skin glow

Sond recommends that you find the best routine with these products that works for you they recommend that you combine the mineral supplements with at least one of the topical applied products for best results.

I have been using the three topical products the Face Spray, Face Serum and Face Oil for the last week. I haven’t tried the supplements as I can’t take tablets that well they usually upset my stomach so I missed this step.

Send Skincare Mineral Supplements

I did LOVE the products that I tried.

The hydrating face spray felt so caring and gentle on the skin. I felt that it gave a refreshing boost morning and night.

Sond Hydrating Face Spray

The serum was great. It felt very light and silky and did feel like it smoothed some of my fine lines.

The face oil was a real boost. It’s main ingredients are Silica and coconut oil but it has a minty smell to it and feels a little tingling sensation when first applied. This is the brightener product and I think it did make me look a little brighter. Moving forward I think I would only use this in the morning and use a more calming night cream at night.

Send Skin Serum and Face oil

Overall I really enjoyed the Sond Anti Ageingย for sensitive skin products and feel that they made a positive change to my appearance. I think if you were using the supplement too, this is when you start to notice the results more, so if anyone else tries this combination then please let me know how you get on.

I hope you enjoyed finding out all about Sond Anti Aging for Sensitive Skin. Let me know your thoughts.

Sond Silica Skincare Sysyem

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