Food, Lifestyle

Low Carb Recipe – Crispy Chicken Lettuce Wraps

This evening for dinner, I made Low Carb Crispy Chicken Wraps.

This is a low carb recipe I made up some time ago and it’s delicious and also fun for kids! It is a very quick and easy meal to make and a great alternative to the normal presentation of a salad.

Summer is such a great time to use salad recipes as they are light and refreshing to eat and full seasonal produce, but it can get boring.Β  So this low carb recipe is an easyΒ way to mix it up. This dish is a great alternative to wheat wraps and ideal for anyone looking to eat a low carbohydrate diet. It’s also a fun and interesting dish for children and encourages them to eat more vegetables. If you’re watching your fat intake, use light mayo and half fat cheese.


Serves 4

  • 4 Chicken breasts
  • 1 Egg
  • Breadcrumbs
  • 2 Romaine lettuces
  • 1 Punnet of piccolo tomatoes
  • 1 Bag of croutons
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Mayo
  • Cress



  • Butterfly the chicken breasts so that each is about the same thickness.
  • Whisk up 1 egg in a bowl.
  • Sprinkle breadcrumbs onto a plate or chopping board.
  • Brush a thin wash of egg onto the chicken breasts on both sides.
  • Press the chicken onto the breadcrumbs so they coat each side.
  • Cook the chicken as per pack instructions until the juices are clear and the chicken is white all the way through.
  • Wash and separate the lettuce leafs and lay 2 on each of the dinner plates.
  • Half the tomatoes and set to one side.
  • I crumbled up some ready sliced cheddar cheese, but you could grate some if preferred, and set to one side.
  • Mix a tablespoon of cress with 3 table spoons of mayo and set to one side.
  • When the chicken is cooked slice into strips and lay 5 strips of chicken on top of the leafs on each plate.
  • Then add the tomatoes, croutons, cheese, mayo and sprinkle the cress on top.
  • Ready to eat.
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